Josh Moates
When Josh Moates looks at a house, he sees more than bricks and trim, shingles and sidewalks, windows and doors. He sees the spaces where everyday moments become memories and where families grow together. He understands the strong connections we form with these spaces — the Montgomery native still sometimes drives by his childhood home just to “check on it” — and he’s ready to help his selling clients pass their special spots along to new folks and his buying clients find the places that become their next true home.
Moates is a recent addition to the River Region’s real estate scene and brings a diverse background with him. He was a professional musician (bass player for the rock band Trust Company). He’s still co-owner of Kim Box Photography, a company he co-founded in 2003. And he can often be found looking at the world through a camera lens. He also started Indie Film Lab in 2011.
Real estate captured his attention a few years ago. “I love architecture and seeing the way other people live, and I saw becoming a real estate agent as a way to use this interest to help buyers find a home to put their heart in,” he says. On the seller side, Moates believes the creativity that has fueled his music and photography will be put to good use to produce listings that are truly engaging, even fun. “I’ll be using videos and other elements to ensure sellers present their properties in the most compelling way,” he says.
And all Moates’ roles share a common thread, one that ties neatly into his work as a real estate agent. “It’s my passion for whatever I’m doing that’s always driven me,” he says. “I really care about what I do, whatever that is, from playing hard on stage to shooting a wedding. I’m always striving to do my best and take other people’s considerations and needs seriously.” He’s also motivated by a simple philosophy. “For me, real estate is not just about a sale; it’s about helping people live their best life,” he says.
While he’s excited about working with clients all over Central Alabama, Moates and his family call The Waters home; they’ve lived there since 2009. Currently, he and his wife Aubrie and their three kids (Ever, Asa and Wesley) are building a new home in the community.